Air Cleaning Plants

29th Aug 2013

Ask the Expert

Q:  I’ve heard that some plants can help clean the air in my home. I’d like to try some, but I have a brown thumb. Can you suggest a few easy ones for me to try? 

A:   Well, all plants will help improve your indoor air, because plants naturally take in carbon dioxide and emit oxygen as they grow. In fact, without plants, our planet could not survive. 

Some of the easiest ones to try at home include: English Ivy (Hedera Helix), Peace Lily  (Spathiphyllum), Aloe Vera (great for helping to heal scratches and burns), Spider Plants, (now there’s a throw back to the 70’s), Mother In Law’s Tongue (Sanseveria), Golden Pothos (Scinddapsus Aures), Dracena, Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema Cripsum), and Philodendron. 

The key to success with all of these lovelies is to place them in a bright area, with no direct hot sun, and to thoroughly water them but then allow the soil to dry out before watering them again. Depending on the size of pot they are growing in and the humidity in your home, this will be about once every 5-10 days. 

When caring for plants, just think of where they naturally occur in the wild. These naturally grow as undergrowth in densely forested areas, so they love bright light, damp, but not wet soil, and  humid air. 

So, relax, take a deep breath, and enjoy the experience of living with your new best friend!