
27th Oct 2013

According to pretty much every source out there, the flower of the month for November should be Chrysanthemum, but as usual, Mill Street has other ideas. 

Seriously, there are so many other flowers available to us at this time of year, it seems silly to cling to the past when so many flowers have become available to us in modern times. 

So, this month we declare the “Flower of the Month” (in our world) to be the Amaryllis. 

Usually purchased as a flowering bulb, the Amaryllis is available at most grocers and hardware stores in kit form…you plant it, and watch it grow  from nothing, to a full blooming stalk in a matter weeks. 

This stately flower is now available from many growers as cut flower from October through May, with the prime availability being November through February, making it the ideal yuletide blossom. 

Today we can choose from many different colours, including pink, salmon, peach, cream, white, and orange, but our favourites are the many different shades of red, from Canadian, to Canary, Maroon, Rust, Burgundy and Cherry. 

This is truly one of our favourite flowers to use at this time of year, and, as long as market prices allow us to do so, we will keep a varied selection of choices on hand for you to take home with you to enjoy. 

Typically, cut Amaryllis flowers will last up to 14 days in your home, assuming the water is fresh and clean, and they are kept away from excessive heat and cold.